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作者:基础医学院    时间:2023-07-03   
序号 论文名称
期刊 期卷号 作者
1 THH Relieves CIA Inflammation by Reducing Inflammatory-related Cytokines
Cell Biochem Biophys 2020.09 骆耐香/通讯作者
2 Integrative omics analysis reveals the protective role of vitamin C on perfluorooctanoic acid-induced hepatoxicity
Journal of Advanced Research 35 (2022) 279–294. 黎镜波/通讯作者
3 Identification and Verification of the Ability of Cdk5 to Phosphorylate Deubiquitinating Enzyme BRCC3 In Vitro
Bull Exp Biol Med 2022 May 3:701-708. 邵晓云/通讯作者
4 Transcriptional control by HNF-1: Emerging evidence showing its role in lipid metabolism and lipid metabolism disorders.
Genes & Diseases 2022, 9(5):1248-1257. 吕运成/通讯作者
5 Comparative transcriptomic analysis reveals reproductive impairments caused by PCBs and OH-PCBs through the dysregulation of ER and AR signaling
Science of the Total Environment. 2022 Jan 1;802:149913. 黎镜波/通讯作者
6 Analyzing the synergistic adverse effects of BPA and its substitute, BHPF, on ulcerative colitis through comparative metabolomics
Chemosphere. 2022 Jan;287(Pt 2):132160. 黎荣/通讯作者
7 Research Progress on Mechanism of Neuroprotective Roles of Apelin-13 in Prevention and Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease
Neurochem Res 2022, 47(2): 205-217 周寿红/通讯作者
8 Immunotoxicity mechanisms of perfluorinated compounds PFOA and PFOS
Chemosphere. 2022 Mar;291(Pt 2):132892. 黎镜波/通讯作者
9 一株野生双孢蘑菇的驯化栽培研究
山西大学学报(自然科学版) 2021,44(6):1221-1226 康曼/第一作者
10 Uranium induces kidney cells apoptosis via ROS generation, ER stress and inhibition of PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling in culture
Environmental Toxicology 2022; 37: 899–909 郑济芳/通讯作者
11 Sphingosine-1-phosphate in mitochondrial function and metabolic diseases
Obesity review 2022, Feb 5,e13426. 朱肖/通讯作者
12 Mediator Complex Subunit 19 Promotes the Development of Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Regulating the AKT/mTOR Signaling Pathway
Frontiers in Oncology 2022 Jan 3;11:792285. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.792285. eCollection 2021. 周亚莉/通讯作者
13 NVP-BEZ235 Inhibits Renal Cell Carcinoma
by Targeting TAK1 and PI3K/Akt/mTOR Pathways

Front Pharmacol 2022.12:781623 田晶/通讯作者
14 The complete chloroplast genome of Cinnamomum cassia Presl
Bangladesh Journal of Botany 2022,51(1): 51-55 黄金清/通讯作者
15 miRNA–mRNA Integrative Analysis Reveals the Roles of miRNAs in Hypoxia-Altered Embryonic Development- and Sex Determination-Related Genes of Medaka Fish
Front. Mar. Sci., 2022; January 21;8: 736362. 黎镜波/第一作者
16 Methyl ferulic acid ameliorates alcohol-induced hepatic insulin resistance via miR-378b-mediated activation of PI3K-AKT pathway
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2022 Jan;145:112462 李丽/并列通讯
17 Prediction of occult tumor progression via platelet RNAs in a mouse melanoma model: a potential new platform for early detection of cancer
Journal of Translational Medicine 2022. 20(1) 尹悦/第一作者,通讯作者
18 Uranium induces kidney cells pyroptosis in culture involved in ROS/NLRP3/Caspase-1 signaling
Free Radical Res 2022, 8: 1-13. 郑济芳/通讯作者
19 CtBP1 Mediates Hypoxia-Induced Sarcomatoid Transformation in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
J Hepatocell Carcinoma 2022; 9:57-67 张小玲/第一作者
20 In-silico analysis reveals the core targets and mechanisms of CA028 – a new derivative of calycosin – in the treatment of colorectal cancer
Intelligent Medicine (accepted 接收) 2022;16:35 陈健/通讯作者
21 Research Progress of Collapse Response Mediator Proteins in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Developmental Neuroscience 2022;10.1159/000523875 邵晓云/通讯作者
22 Integrated Omics Approaches Revealed the Osmotic Stress-Responsive Genes and Microbiota in Gill of Marine Medaka
mSystems. 2022 Apr 26;7(2):e0004722. 黎镜波/第一作者
23 Estrogen and Estrogen Receptor Modulators: Potential Therapeutic Strategies for COVID-19 and Breast Cancer
Frontiers in Endocrinology 2022 Mar 23;13:829879 陈健/通讯作者
24 人类平衡型核苷转运蛋白3的功能及与疾病的研究进展
生理科学进展 2022.53(3):190-194 周亚莉/通讯作者
25 In silico analysis and experimental validation to exhibit anti-nasopharyngeal carcinoma effects of plumbagin, an anti-cancer compound
J Sci Food Agric 2022 Mar 30 苏敏/通讯作者
26 SIA-IgG confers poor prognosis and represents a novel therapeutic target in breast cancer
Bioengineered 2022, VOL. 13, NO. 4, 10072–10087 廖沁园/通讯作者
27 Network Pharmacology and Comparative Transcriptome Reveals Biotargets and Mechanisms of Curcumol Treating Lung Adenocarcinoma Patients With COVID-19
Front Nutr. 2022 Apr 19;9:870370. 黎荣/并列通讯
28 Cdk5 phosphorylation-induced SIRT2 nuclear translocation promotes the death of dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson's disease
NPJ Parkinsons Disease 2022 Apr 20;8(1):46 闫建国/第一作者
29 Microplastics act as a carrier for wastewater-borne pathogenic bacteria in sewage
Chemosphere. 2022 Aug;301:134692. 黎镜波/通讯作者
30 A summary of previous investigations of the microgravity effects on bacterial virulence, infection and antibiotic resistance
Acta Astronautica (卷号:196) 王重振/第一作者
31 The phylogeographical pattern of the Amur minnow Rhynchocypris lagowskii (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) in the Qinling Mountains
Ecology and Evolution 12(5) 陈涛/第一作者
32 Alterations in the Gut Microbiota of Tibetan Patients With

Frontier Microbiology. 2022, 13:860909 曹得萍/第一作者
33 Vitamin C exerts anti-cadmium induced fracture functions/targets: bioinformatic and biostructural findings
Food Science and Human Wellness 11 (2022) 1384-1391. 黎荣/第一作者
34 罗汉果粗提物抑制 H2O2诱导 MIN6 细胞的 ROS 生成及凋亡
现代食品科技 2022.38(7) 王娟/通讯作者
35 Integrated Analysis Reveals the Targets and Mechanisms in Immunosuppressive Effect of Mesalazine on Ulcerative Colitis
Front Nutr. 2022 May 19;9:867692. 黎荣/第一作者
36 RNA结合蛋白RBM10及其涉及的主要疾患
华夏医学 2022年第35卷第三期 张小玲/通讯作者
37 靶向调节肿瘤微环境治疗乳腺癌的研究进展
华夏医学 2022,35(3):123-129 田晶/通讯作者
38 外泌体在毛乳头细胞诱导毛发再生中的作用
华夏医学 35(03) 祝宁侠/通讯作者
39 Deubiquitinases in Cancers: Aspects of Proliferation, Metastasis, and Apoptosis
Cancers (Basel). 2022 Jul 21;14(14):3547. 刘嘉琪/第一作者
40 OPN通过VEGF途径增强脑卒中后的神经可塑性
中国细胞生物学学报 Chinese Journal of Cell Biology 2022, 44(8): 1626–1634 姚华/通讯作者
41 In silico analysis and preclinical findings uncover potential targets of anti-cervical carcinoma and COVID-19 in laminarin, a promising nutraceutical
Frontiers in Pharmacology 2022 Aug 9;13:955482. 黄文君/通讯作者
42 Preclinical insights into fucoidan as a nutraceutical compound against perfluorooctanoic acid-associated obesity via targeting endoplasmic reticulum stress
Frontiers in Nutrition 2022 Aug 12;9:950130. 黄文君/通讯作者
43 Apelin-13与阿尔兹海默症的研究进展
华夏医学 2022, 35(4): 146-151 周寿红/通讯作者
44 Curcumin protects islet beta cells from streptozotocin?induced type 2 diabetes mellitus injury via its antioxidative effects
Endokrynol Pol 2022 Aug 16. doi: 10.5603/EP.a2022.0070. Epub ahead of print. 张小玲/通讯作者
45 丙型肝炎病毒感染促进53BP1蛋白通过泛素-蛋白酶体途径降解
中国病原生物学杂志 2022.17(8):869-872 周亚莉/第一作者
46 Ferroptosis as new therapeutic targets in cancer: From molecular mechanisms to therapeutic opportunities.
Front Pharmacol. 2022 Sep 23;13:1019395. 陈健/第一作者
47 Continuous 17α-ethinylestradiol exposure impairs the sperm quality of marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma)
Marine Pollution Bulletin 2022 Oct;183:114093. 黎镜波/通讯作者
48 Relationship between protein arginine methyltransferase and cardiovascular disease (Review)
Biomedical Reports 2022,17(5):90. 周寿红/通讯作者
49 The regulatory role of NLRX1 in innate immunity and human disease.
Cytokine 2022, 160: 156055. 莫中成/通讯作者
50 雌性大鼠吸烟对仔鼠行为学影响的研究
中国实验动物学报 2022,30(6): 810-818 邵晓云/通讯作者
51 Hippo通路核心蛋白在小鼠出生后不同时间点脑皮质中的表达变化
中国临床解剖学杂志 2022, 40 (5): 575-580. 方方/通讯作者
52 Comparative plasma metabolomic analysis to identify biomarkers for lead-induced cognitive impairment
Chemico-Biological Interactions 2022 Oct 1;366:110143. 刘嘉琪/并列通讯
53 华支睾吸虫感染 BALB/c小鼠肝胆管纤维化模型的建立
中国病原生物学杂志 2022年10月,第17卷 彭小红/通讯作者
54 Depletion of PARP10 inhibits the growth and metastatic potential of oral squamous cell carcinoma
Frontiers in Genetics 2022,13:1035638 齐广莹/通讯作者
55 Transcriptomic Analysis in Marine Medaka Gill Reveals That the Hypo-Osmotic Stress Could Alter the Immune Response via the IL17 Signaling Pathway
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022 Oct 17;23(20):12417 黎荣/第一作者
56 Osmotic Gradient Is a Factor That Influences the Gill Microbiota Communities in Oryzias melastigma
Biology (Basel). 2022 Oct 19;11(10):1528. 黎镜波/通讯作者
57 冰冻对弓形虫GT1速殖子体外感染力的影响
中国病原生物学杂志 2022,17(10) 李中原/通讯作者
58 Hypoxia-induced epigenetic transgenerational miRNAs dysregulation involved in reproductive impairment of ovary
Chemico-Biological Interactions 2022 Nov 1;367:110176. 黎镜波/第一作者
59 New Target for Prevention and Treatment of Neuroinflflammation: Microglia Iron Accumulation and Ferroptosis
ASN Neuro 14:17590914221133236 周寿红/通讯作者
60 The polymerase δ-interacting protein family and their emerging roles in diseases
Front Med (Lausanne) 2022 Nov 8;9:1026931. 杜娟/通讯作者
61 玉竹提取物对大鼠多囊卵巢综合症的治疗疗效研究
生物化学与生物物理进展 2022 莫中成/通讯作者
62 Embryo developmental toxicity in marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) due to parental and embryonic 17α-ethinylestradiol exposure
Science of the Total Environment 2022 Nov 28;160594. 黎镜波/通讯作者
63 Osteopontin-integrin signaling positively regulates neuroplasticity through enhancing neural autophagy in the peri-infarct area after ischemic stroke
Am J Transl Res 2022;14(11):7726-7743 姚华/通讯作者
64 Ferroptosis-related biotargets and network mechanisms of fucoidan against colorectal cancer: An integrated bioinformatic and experimental approach
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2022 Dec 1;222:1522-1530. 黄文君/通讯作者
65 Inhibition of the TLRNF-κB Signaling Pathway and Improvement of Autophagy Mediates Neuroprotective Effects of Plumbagin in Parkinson’s Disease
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2022 Dec 22;2022:1837278. 闫建国/通讯作者
66 N6-methyladenosine in macrophage function: a novel target for metabolic diseases
Trends Endocrinology Metabolism 2022 Dec 29;S1043-2760(22)00217-X. 朱肖/第一作者
67 慢病毒敲减质粒pLKO.1-shDAPK1的构建及其对细胞凋亡的影响
实用医学杂志 2022年第38卷第6期 邵晓云/通讯作者
68 黄花倒水莲多糖对 B16 黑色素瘤细胞凋亡的影响
中药材 2022/4/26 17:49 朱开梅/通讯作者
69 基于响应面法优化紫花地丁多酚与黄酮的提取工艺
食品研究与开发 2022年5 月 第43 卷第9 期 朱开梅/通讯作者
70 The role of IL-33/ST2 signaling in the tumor microenvironment and Treg immunotherapy
Experimental Biology and Medicine 2022 杨金凤/通讯作者
71 Organometallic gold(I) and gold(III) complexes for lung cancer treatment
Frontiers in Pharmacology 2022.13:979951 张琚政/第一作者
72 Hydrogen sulfide attenuates uranium- induced kidney cells pyroptosis via up-regulation of PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling
Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology 2022;9 郑济芳/通讯作者
73 Effects of female obesity on conception, pregnancy and the health of offspring
Frontiers in Endocrinology 2022 Aug 11;13:949228 陈健/通讯作者
74 奥沙利铂抑制EGFR-MAPK促进HCT116细胞凋亡
中国药理学通报 2022,38(8):1278-1280. 江绍锋/通讯作者
75 Hesperetin ameliorates glioblastoma by inhibiting proliferation,inducing apoptosis, and suppressing metastasis
Transl Cancer Res
2022 Jun;11(6):1781-1794. 张羽飞/通讯作者
76 Epigenetics in Alzheimer's Disease
Front Aging Neurosci. 2022,14 邹珍友/通讯作者